Statement from Jim Walden, Lawyer for Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, on CAS decision in WADA v. RUSADA Arbitration
December 17, 2020
Press Releases
Statement from Jim Walden, Lawyer for Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, on CAS decision in WADA v. RUSADA Arbitration
“The decision by CAS to effectively ‘split the baby’ is nonsensical and undeserved. Despite overwhelming proof of corruption, doping fraud and obstruction of justice, including a brazen attempt to falsely incriminate Dr. Rodchenkov through fabricated evidence, CAS has once again proven itself unwilling and unable to meaningfully deal with systematic and long-standing criminality by Russia. CAS reduced the ban by half, allowing Russian athletes to participate in international sporting events anyway, and in effect upheld an already-limited ban in name only. To the many clean athletes who were or will be cheated by dirty Russian athletes as a result of today’s ruling, please know that stronger angels have emerged and that the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act now gives the U.S. Department of Justice the power to step in to fill the void left by CAS, which consistently trivializes the longstanding and deeply rooted corruption by the Russian Federation.”
Jim Walden, Lawyer for Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov
December 17, 2020